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Made up of student chapters housed in universities across the country, Students for Dignity grounds its work in The Dignity Index


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Students for Dignity educates, trains and empowers students to become leaders who change the purpose of public debate from attacking enemies to solving problems. Through grassroots organizing and networked communities, Students for Dignity sponsors transformative experiences, that highlight the motives, tactics and effects of dignity and contempt. This initiative stirs our conscience, changes our habits, and leads to a tipping point where dignity replaces contempt as the accepted, respected and preferred problem-solving strategy in the United States.



Southern Utah University

University of Utah

Utah Valley University

Students for Dignity is attracting members who are frustrated with the hostility in our country and on our campuses, who are hungry for change, and eager to replace our climate of contempt with a culture of dignity.



If you are interested in starting or joining a chapter please contact us to learn more at

