Eighty-Member Bipartisan National Citizens Panel Uses The Dignity Index To Score the Presidential Debate between Harris and Trump


September 13, 2024

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris shaking hands

Panel agrees on dignity across partisan lines -- validating The Dignity Index as a tool acceptable to the right and the left

UNITE, the non-profit founded in 2018 by Tim Shriver to ease the country’s political divisions, today released its scores for this week’s Presidential debate. Language from the two candidates was scored for dignity or contempt by UNITE’s National Citizens Panelan 80-member bi-partisan panel constituting a broadly representative sample of Americans.

“Our nation’s divisions are not caused by our disagreements,” said Shriver, co-creator of the Dignity Index. “They’re caused by treating others with contempt when we disagree. Scoring how we talk to each other can show us how we’re contributing to our divisions and how we can start to change.” 

The National Citizens Panel was formed in January with the guidance of research groups More in Common and ROI Rocket. The panel is using the Dignity Index to score the dignity or contempt in selected passages of political speech during the 2024 campaign. Scores will be released weekly through election day.   


The panelists were given three 45-minute training sessions in the Dignity Index scoring system in February and since then have been spending 30 minutes a week scoring six to eight passages taken from political communications.   The panel is part of ongoing research to see whether people with opposing viewpoints on politics and culture can agree on a definition of dignity, on the value of dignity and on whether dignity or contempt is present in the language they score.  

“It’s easy to think that we need to have dozens of values in common if we’re going to have a society that works,” said Tom Rosshirt, co-creator of the Index. “But maybe we need only one shared value to ease our divisions and solve our problems -- the value that everyone should be treated with dignity.” 

Findings from a More in Common survey done this summer indicate that panelists learn easily to see contempt in political speech, that many learn to see their own contempt and its divisive effects, and that panelists of opposing political views can agree on the presence of dignity or contempt in a speech, regardless of who is speaking or what they are saying.

“We might assume that people with strong political views would always see dignity in their own side and contempt in the other side,” said Rosshirt. “But that’s not true. The panelists show broad cross-partisan agreement on whether a passage expresses dignity or contempt – which means they can see contempt in a view they embrace and dignity in a view they oppose.” 

Debate Scores

Panelists score by matching language from the speech passage with descriptions in the Dignity Index scoring guide, which is available here

The Dignity Index scale
I have traveled the world as Vice President of the United States, and world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump. I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you, and they say you’re a disgrace.
Kamala Harris
In reference to Donald Trump's International Legacy
3 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Makes a personal attack on the other, targeting performance, competence, appearance, background, character or morals.
Subtext goes here
Disdains the other side.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
A debate about issues that descends into personal judgments about another person does not cover the issues or solutions to issues.
A panelist in the middle , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
True or not, this is not the way to move forward in this country.
A panelist on the left , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
71% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 3.1
• Middle Avg: 3.0
• Right Avg: 2.8
Agreement: Very Strong
of panelists
agree this is
We're a failing nation. We're a nation that's in serious decline. We're being laughed at all over the world. All over the world, they laugh, I know the leaders very well. They're coming to see me. They call me. We're laughed at all over the world.
Donald Trump
In reference to the Biden Administration's International Legacy
3 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
They look down on us and mock our values.
Subtext goes here
Makes a personal attack on the other, targeting performance, competence, appearance, background, character or morals.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
Says the democrats are a joke to the rest of the world.
A panelist on the right , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
He's referring to the current administration, and inferring that it's making the country fail.
A panelist in the middle , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
50% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 3.1
• Middle Avg: 3.5
• Right Avg: 3.5
Agreement: Strong
of panelists
agree this is
What we know is that this war must end. It must end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a cease-fire deal and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work around the clock on that. Work around the clock also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution. And in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and in equal measure for the Palestinians.
Kamala Harris
In reference to the Israel-Hamas War
5 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Speaks openly, explaining their views, but never with contempt.
Subtext goes here
I share my views with no contempt so they're easier for others to hear.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
While there is no contempt spoken, there is no indication of reaching out to the other side to discuss soluitions.
A panelist in the middle , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
In this passage we can see Kamala Harris is giving out her point of view based on the war and what she thinks is the solution for both countries. The way I see this passage is as a individual speaking openly and of course with a lot of respect based on the situation we are facing today.
A panelist on the right , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
53% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 6.1
• Middle Avg: 5.6
• Right Avg: 5.5
Agreement: Very Strong
of panelists
agree this is
First of all, I have no sales tax. That's an incorrect statement.
Donald Trump
In response to Kamala’s "Trump Sales Tax" Claim
5 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Challenges the other side on facts, actions, decisions, and outcomes, never with insults or negative labels.
Subtext goes here
Speaks openly, explaining their views, but never with contempt.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
This is a five because it is nothing more than a basic correction of something he views as an incorrect statement. Had he called her a liar it would be a four or lower, but by the standard Trump has established for himself, this is surprisingly mild-mannered. It ranks no higher than a five because a gentle correction is what is expected and is not something extraordinary.
A panelist on the right , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Again, it sounds like a simple statement. If he had said LIE, then it might have been a 4.
A panelist in the middle , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
53% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 4.5
• Middle Avg: 4.5
• Right Avg: 4.5
Agreement: Slight
of panelists
agree this is
Donald Trump when he was president negotiated one of the weakest deals you can imagine. He calls himself a dealmaker. Even his national security adviser said it was a weak, terrible deal.
Kamala Harris
In reference to Trump's negotiation
3 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Makes a personal attack on the other, targeting performance, competence, appearance, background, character or morals.
Subtext goes here
Disdains the other side.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
She is trying to make him look incompetent
A panelist on the left , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Harris doesn't provide any substance, just a broad brush stroke with nothing to back up her statement.
A disengaged panelist , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
55% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 3.6
• Middle Avg: 3.3
• Right Avg: 3.4
Agreement: Strong
of panelists
agree this is
Well, bad immigration is the worst thing that can happen to our economy. They have and she has destroyed our country with policy that's insane. Almost policy that you'd say they have to hate our country.
Donald Trump
In reference to the current administration's immigration policy
2 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Those people are evil. They're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them.
Subtext goes here
Believes the other side is an existential threat.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
Says other sides immigration policy is ruining us.
A panelist on the right , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Again, this is a personal attack to the other side. Just because we disagree and we have a different point of view does not mean that we need to attack the other side. This is a matter of fact of we are better, and it's us versus them. that's how I see it.
A panelist on the right , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
42% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 2.5
• Middle Avg: 2.7
• Right Avg: 2.5
Agreement: Very Strong
of panelists
agree this is
And why don't you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch.
Kamala Harris
In reference to Trump's relationship with Putin
3 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Makes a personal attack on the other, targeting performance, competence, appearance, background, character or morals.
Subtext goes here
Disdains the other side.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
Kamala is using a group of voters to make a point, stoking their emotions to make a point.
A disengaged panelist , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
I fail to see how this can help. I wish she had stuck to her policies and let the American people make an informed decision
A panelist on the left , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
45% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 3.1
• Middle Avg: 2.7
• Right Avg: 3.2
Agreement: Very Strong
of panelists
agree this is
She's destroying this country. And if she becomes President, this country doesn't have a chance of success. Not only success. We'll end up being Venezuela on steroids.
Donald Trump
In reference to Kamala Harris
2 is the most frequently chosen score by members of the National Citizens Panel.
Why was this contempt dignity ?
"They're not even human. It's our moral duty to destroy them before they destroy us."
"Those people are evil and they're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them."
"We're the good people and they're the bad people. It's us vs. them."
"We're better than those people. They don't really belong. They're not one of us."
"The other side has a right to be here and a right to be heard. It's their country too."
"We always talk to the other side, searching for the values and interests we share."
"We fully engage with the other side, discussing even values and interests we don't share, open to admitting mistakes or changing our minds."
"Each one of us is born with inherent worth, so we treat everyone with dignity–no matter what."
Top Reasons
Those people are evil. They're going to ruin our country if we let them. It's us or them.
Subtext goes here
Believes the other side is an existential threat.
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Panelist Thoughts
This is a very contemptuous statement, made to make those listening feel real fear.
A disengaged panelist , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
This is a serious topic of discussion. This should be done in a humanitarian way, not by barbaric ways.
A panelist on the left , Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
, Score: 1, Score: 2, Score: 3, Score: 4, Score: 5, Score: 6, Score: 7, Score: 8
Score Analysis
59% of all panelists
Average Score
• Left Avg: 2.0
• Middle Avg: 2.3
• Right Avg: 2.3
Agreement: Very Strong
of panelists
agree this is

All of the National Citizen Panelist quotes have been attributed verbatim to retain the authenticity of the language.

Press Contact: press@unite.us

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