Third Congressional District Debate Scores


Dignity Index releases ratings from THIRD Congressional District Debate (October 6, 2022)

The Dignity Index overview

The Dignity Index is an eight-point scale that measures what we do when we disagree.  The scale ranges from one -- which sees no dignity at all in the other side -- to eight, which sees the dignity in everyone.  Each point on the scale reflects a particular mindset, and each mindset is associated with certain beliefs and behaviors that reflect how open we are to the other side. As a broad rule, if I treat you with dignity, it means that I can see myself in you; if I treat you with contempt, it means I see myself above you.

Dignity in public debate involves making proposals, declaring values, stating goals and discussing decisions, actions, and outcomes.  It includes listening carefully, and asking for more information.  It means debating why something worked or didn’t work, whether it will work or why it won’t.

Contempt in public debate relies on mocking others, calling them names, attacking their motives and character, ridiculing their background or beliefs, and lumping them together in large groups under negative labels, declaring them dangerous, and blaming them for bad outcomes.

When we treat the other side with dignity, we make it easier to solve problems.  When we treat others with contempt, we make it impossible to solve problems – because contempt takes away our ability to talk to each other.

Debate Scores

Third Congressional District Debate (October 6, 2022)

John Curtis

Well, if you know anything about me, you know I like to talk about this. I'm kind of the rare elephant in the room on climate change. Listen, I think it's important on climate to do something which we don't generally do in this conversation. And that is if you draw a continuum and you take people where they are on this issue, and you value everybody's opinion, we can have a very thoughtful conversation about how we reduce emissions, and how we pass on an earth better to our children than the one we inherited.


John Curtis

But I get a unique perspective where I sit and I would, I would bring up two things. First of all, we have been in bad places before as a country. I think about of course of the Civil War, Watergate, the assassination of President Kennedy. And what’s so great about this country is in every single one of those cases, we emerged a better country than before we went into that, and part of the seat that I get to sit at right now is to see the slice of Congress of Washington DC, that most of you rarely get to see on the cable news network or in social media. And I can tell you that there's hundreds of my colleagues on both the right and the left, who wake up in the morning and say, I want to do what's best for this country. And they're not part of the divisiveness. They're not part of the screaming and shouting and the fight, but they come together every day to work to see how we can advance the will of this country. So that gives me hope and tonight I hope all of you have hope in this great country. 


John Curtis

Mr. Wright, I have so much respect for your military service. And thank you. You mentioned as we were standing outside, I think if I heard it right, that you'd completed 250 combat missions. And I want you to know how much I respect that. But it comes back to the conversation you just had about we can't keep putting money in non-discretionary spending. That $400 billion comes out of those things, veterans, Social Security, but I tell you what, I will meet you on that challenge, not to make you come back every year and ask for it and figure out a way to pay for this so you don't have to have to.


John Curtis

"It's about fairness. We have to be fair to these young woman. I have four daughters, I do not want men competing with them in sports period, under any circumstances. Now, if it's more complicated than that, I'm happy to sit down and talk about it, but I don't see there's a place for that." 


Glenn Wright

I think it's important not to try to make a lot of cheap soundbites, and call your opponents names and belittle them. What I've learned is that I truly think most people -- now there's some people are never going to agree with me on a lot of issues – but most people, we can agree on what the problems are. And what we have to do is, we may not agree on their solutions and that's where we have to have a dialogue and figure out how to get things done. But you don't start that dialogue by calling somebody a nasty name. 


Glenn Wright

I think immigration reform is critical to that. As I said, I've done a lot of work on affordable housing, and looking at the cost of affordable housing over the last several years where we've had not enough workers to build houses. There are lots of folks outside the country that would like to come in and help us build our economy. I think we need comprehensive immigration reform. And this sense, I think representative Curtis has some good ideas in his in his pipeline. I think they're a little strict in some places, so I think we can negotiate them. But if he puts that out, or if some if I'm in his place and somebody like him puts it out I think is a good place to start negotiating.


Glenn Wright

I agree with several things that Representative Curtis just said. And I salute his efforts to bring in a conservative climate caucus. I do think we need to be a lot more aggressive. We don't need to sacrifice our economy. We can be energy independent by electrifying our transportation infrastructure by electrifying the way we heat our houses and creating that stuff internally, both renewable energy and carbon free energy such as nuclear and geothermal and pumped hydro and various solutions. I think we have to have hard goals that we are forced to meet.


Glenn Wright

I think the really bad part of that bill was it came from a segment of our society that is afraid of the LGBT community and just they found transgendered folks as the latest whipping person.


About The Dignity Index project

Powered by UNITE, a national movement to encourage Americans to reject "us vs. them" thinking and stand together in common purpose, The Dignity Index was developed in partnership with behavioral scientists and other experts, and the demonstration project is being guided by researchers  at the University of Utah. Learn more at

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Andy Ogden